Saturday, July 12, 2008

Foreclosure Phil Hates Whiners

For a superb article on just why Phil Gramm is a greedy lowlife who is more responsible than any other Congress critter for the mortgage foreclosure crisis, take a look at this article from Mother Jones Magazine.

Foreclosure Phil

Foreclosure Phil was in the news this week, denouncing Americans as a nation of whiners. This mantra was picked up by the likes of Fred Barnes and Bill Kristol, who from their lofty perches on top of their inherited wealth, took the silver spoons out of their mouths just long enough to say they agreed. Outrageous.


Anonymous said...

Geat Article - The foreclosure game is defenitley not for whiners.

Anonymous said...

Loved your comment on

Sarah Palin is a piece of work, isn't she!

Catzmaw said...

After watching Countdown tonight I have to wonder if she tells the truth about anything. Last week Wonkette started a "Premature Palin Withdrawal Watch". There's new stuff every day.